Jujubinus baudoni (Monterosato, 1891)
NW. Mediterranean to N. Sardinia.
Grazer and deposit feeder in the infralittoral.
Original taxon: Trochus baudoni.
«  Il T. Baudoni, H. Martin mss., è una piccola forma, grosse-sculpta, vivente in abbondanza nelle coste di Provenza. Una infinità di forme viventi e fossili si collegano le une con le altre. Io spero darne minuto ragguaglio nella continuazione delle mie note pubblicate nel Bollettino Malacologico Italiano col titolo di “Molluschi del Porto di Palermo”. » – T. A. di Monterosato: “Molluschi fossili quaternari di S. Flavia”, Il Naturalista Siciliano vol. X, Palermo 1891, p.101.

Above and below: the continental morphotype.
Cap Ras, Llançà, Girona, Catalunya, NE. Spain. 4,5mm.
« …all J. baudoni shells invariantly show protoconch and initial teleoconch whorls of red colour. It is worth to mention that this feature has induced several authors in the past to erroneously identify J. baudoni as J. exasperatus corallinus (Monterosato, 1884), as recalled by Curini Galletti (1982) and Spanu (2011) » (Mariottini & al., 2013). – Right detail: the base of the shell, with prosocline radial striae between each spiral.
Each whorl bears 4 granulose spiral cords, separated from each other by slightly larger interspaces, themselves crossed by the prosocline radial striae. The sutural bead seems formed with two spiral cords, larger than the average, and bonded together. This is the only part of the shell displaying an articulate pattern of red and white. – Same spot. 3,4mm.
The beads, the cords and the interstitial prosocline lamellae.
10m deep, Porquerolles Island, Var, S. France. 3,7-3,8mm.
Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT).

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