Jujubinus alboranensis
Smriglio, Mariottini & Oliverio, 2015
Alborán Island area.
Grazer and deposit feeder, at least in the low infralittoral.
The species belong to the curinii complex. The shell is similar to that of ruscurianus but with a markedly smoother surface (flat spiral cords, no prosocline striae in the interspaces between the cords). The suture is less incised than in curinii, and the whorls a little more convex. Source: Smriglio, Mariottini & Oliverio: “A new species of the Jujubinus curinii species complex: J. alboranensis spec. nov. (Gastropoda: Trochidae) from the Alborán Sea”, Iberus vol. 33(2), Barcelona 2015, p.154.

Above: holotype MNHN-IM-2000-30131 in the collection of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. Original pictures provided by M. Caballer for the MNHN – (CC BY).

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