Haminoea orbignyana (Férussac, 1822)
W. France toMalta and central Mediterranean, to Canarias, to Cabo Verde. Grazer in estuaries and lagunar systems, on mud or muddy sand, often among Zostera meadows.
Original taxon: Bulla orbignyana.
The shell is devoid of any spiral sculpture, and only bears some longitudinal growth marks; the aperture is broad anteriorly, narrow posteriorly; labial margin « slightly larger than the spire, which is involute » (Malaquias & Cervera, 2006). « Columella covered by thin callus ».

Sant’Antioco island, Carbonia-Iglesias, SW. Sardinia. 10mm.
Synonyms: dilatata Leach, temarana Pruvot-Fol.
Notice the dark colour of the parapodial lobes. Specimen laying eggs on sea lettuce at the Pialassa Baiona, an eutrophic coastal lagoon connected to the Adriatic Sea through the channel-port of Ravenna, Italy. Original picture provided by M. Ponti for iNaturalist.org – (CC BY-NC).

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