Gibbula guttadauri (Philippi, 1836) |
Western Cádiz to Aegean. Grazer and deposit feeder in the infralittoral and circalittoral. Original taxon: Trochus guttadauri. Last whorl tricarinate. 25m deep, Piombino channel, Livorno, Toscana, W. Italy. 8mm. |
50m deep, off Poetto, Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 9,5mm. |
« Colour: reddish-brown often quite dark but sometimes whitish with light red-brown spots. Ornamentation: each whorl is crossed by two or three strong coastae connected by oblique spans oriented in the manner of growth streaks. This ornamentation continues on the underside. Umbilicus: relatively narrow and deep. General shape: rather low, whorls moderately swollen, suture canaliculated. » – J. M. Gaillard: “Révision des espèces des côtes de France du genre Gibbula Risso (Mollusque Prosobranche)”, Bulletin du Muséum national d’histoire naturelle ser.2, t.25, Paris 1953, p.592. Old specimen from Posidonia field in 8-20m deep, Mataró, Barcelona, Catalunya, NE. Spain. 8,3mm. |
30m deep, on sponge, Mataró. 5mm. |
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