Gibbula drepanensis (Brugnone, 1873) |
Western Mediterranean to Canarias. Grazer and deposit feeder in the upper infralittoral. Original taxon: Trochus drepanensis. 2m deep, in Posidonia , Algeciras, Andalucia, S. Spain. 4,5mm. |
This pattern is typical of the species. The spiral cords are weaker than in vimontiae, the umbilicus is narrower, the last whorl more expanded radially… – 20m deep, Algeciras. 3,5mm. |
Trochus Drepanensis near a Trochus granulatus von Born, variant “laevis”, in J. Brugnone: Miscellanea malachologica, Palermo 1873, plate p.15. « Shell broadly conical, subglobose, oblique; whorls 4, convex, transversally striped; radial striae progressively strengthening; basis indistinct; aperture rounded, wide; labrum expanded; columella arched, merging with the peristome; umbilicus funnel-shaped, small, white, incurved. Shell-olive green in color. The upper part of the last whorl bears sometimes a few slightly curved whites blotches, sometimes red-brown spots, and sometimes (but more rarely) a dark area. Everywhere there are striae articulated with red, or adorned with interrupted little red lines that converge into bundles longitudinally curved. » – Op. cit. p.13. |
« From Trapani, as far as I know ». Hence the species name, which refers to Drepanum, the ancient city founded by the general Hamilcar Barca in the beginnings of the first Punic War, in order to strengthen the defenses of the close city Eryx. 10-12m deep, in grit near Posidonia bushes, Vignola Bay, Marina di Davia, Corbara, NW. Corsica. 3mm. Original pictures provided by S. Clanzig (FR). – (CC BY-NC-SA) – |
10m deep, Getares, southern Cádiz, SW. Andalucia. 4,5mm. Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT). – (CC BY-NC-SA) – |
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