Gibberula jansseni van Aartsen, Menkhorst & Gittenberger, 1984 |
Canarias to Alborán Sea. Also reported from Tyrrhenian Sea. Predator in the infralittoral and circalittoral. Above and below: 100-150m deep, off Motril, Granada, Andalucia, S. Spain. 3mm. « Shell small, more or less cylindrical and rather slender, colourless and vitreous, with about two, inexactly determinable whorls; sutures not visible. Last whorl occupying 0.9 of the total height of the shell. Aperture straight, rather narrow, somewhat wider below than above; its breadth is about 0.15-0.20 that of the total breadth of the shell. » – Van Aartsen, Menkhorst & Gittenberger: “Marine Mollusca from Algeciras”, Basteria suppl., vol. 2, 1984, p.40. |
« Outer lip thickened and somewhat reflexed, finely but clearly denticulate inside. The columella has five clearly discernible folds, the most adapically of which are very small; as in all Gibberula species, the two lowest folds are by far the largest ones. In some specimens there is a sixth columellar fold. […] The species is named in honour of Mr. A. W. Janssen, who introduced the second author to a fascinating branch of natural history. » – Ibid. |
Anse Bernardi, Port-Vendres, Eastern Pyerenees, S. France. 2,8mm. |
The species is translucent enough to let discern the internal architecture. Immature specimen collected on beach drift, Cap Ras, Llançà, Girona, Catalunya, NE. Spain. 2,3mm. |
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