Emarginula octaviana Coen, 1939
Portugal to Canarias, Gorringe Bank to Mediterranean. From shallow water to circalittoral coralligenous bottoms. Predator on sessile preys. Synonyms: cristata Coen, elongata O. G. Costa. – 30m deep, Cabo de Palo, Murcia, S. Spain. 7mm.
« Shell conical, capuliform, elongated, laterally compressed; sides parallel, almost straight, joined in their extremities by semicircles; deep anterior slit, of about 1/4 of the total length. Apex coiled, strongly protruding, not carinate, located posteriorly at the 4/5 of the total length […] Peristome crenated, actually scalloped by the round, sliced clean prominent ribs (12 on each side) […] Intercostal spaces clathrated by strong transverse lamellae, between each pair of which are 2 or 3 secondary lamellae. » – G. Coen: “Emarginulae nuove del Mediterraneo”, Acta Pontifica Academia Scientiarum vol. III, part 10, p.72.
Ghjunchitu bay, Isola Rossa, NW. Corsica. 9mm.
8m deep, Salamina island, Saronikos kolpos, Attikí, SE. Greece. 10,5mm.
« The primary lamellae intersect the radial costae […] each intersection bears a prominent pearl-shaped tubercle […]. The internal surface perfectly reproduces, either by the grooves or by the utmost transparency of the shell, the outer sculpture; it is greatly glossy, white and glassy. » – G. Coen: op. cit.

Same spot. 9mm. The width varies a little.
G. Coen: « Dedico la specie al Barone prof. De Fiore, dandole il nome del suo adorato unico figliuolo Ottaviano. » – 5m deep, under fallen stones at foot of reef, Ormos Point, Agios Nikolaos, Lasithi, N. Crete. 8mm.

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