Diodora giannispadai
Aissaoui, Puillandre & Bouchet, 2017
Aegean Sea. Predator on sessile preys.
« Shell limpet-shaped, very solid, elongated, sculptured with 70 unequal, widely and evenly spaced primary radial ribs and secondary riblets in their interspaces. Anal pore elongated, broad […]. Peristome slightly concave, especially in anterior part. Inner background colour evenly light beige; outer shell surface cream with darker, greenish to brownish, bands radiating from the apex. » – Aissaoui, Puillandre & Bouchet: “New insights in the taxonomy of Mediterranean Diodora…”, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK vol. 97, Issue 7, nov. 2017.

In fishermen’s nets, Kárystos harbour, south coast of Évvia island, E. Greece. 28mm.
The species is named after Gianni Spada, « a longtime promoter of Mediterranean malacology in the heydays of Società Malacologica Italiana… »
Holotype MNHN-IM-2013-32769 from 1-2m deep, Limnos island, Northern Aegean, in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Paris. Original pictures provided by M. Caballer (CC BY) for the MNHN.
Left: 8m deep, Bozcaada island, Çanakkale province, W. Marmara, NW. Turkey. 37,3mm.
Right: 12m deep, under stone, Évvia island. 40,5mm.
Original pictures provided by P. Ovalis (GR).
1m deep, Thásos island, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, North Aegean. Size about 17mm.

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