Crisilla beniamina (Monterosato, 1884)
Grazer and detritus feeder on infralittoral bottoms.
Often found in Posidonia rhizomes.
Original taxon: Cingula beniamina. Synonym: concinna.
42m deep, Scilla, Reggio Calabria, SW. Italy. 1,5mm.
Same spot. 1,25mm.
Rissoa concinna in H. C. Weinkauff: “Die Gattungen Rissoina und Rissoa”, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet Bd.1:Abt.22, Nürnberg 1885, plate XVIII, fig.11.
Fig.10 reproduces Crisilla picta (Jeffreys, 1867) and fig.12 shows Crisilla depicta (Manzoni, 1868). Both species occur in NE. Atlantic (Madeira, Canarias) but not in Mediterranean.
Weinkauff, op. cit. p.152: « Shell egg-shaped and conical, thin, translucent, amber-coloured, decorated with several rows of reddish brown spots; the last whorl usually bears a series of larger square patches under the suture, followed by a series of finer points just below, then two very fine lines and further down two rows of square patches; the spire is conical and rather tall, with a flat apex. The five whorls are only slightly arched and increase regularly; they are separated by a fairly distinct suture; their sculpture consists only of very fine lines. The mouth is a little angular-oval, pointed above, slightly angled down, the columella is oblique, the edge of the mouth sharp, simple. » – Scilla, 50m deep. 1-1,75mm.
100m deep, off Alborán island. 1mm.
50-80m deep, Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 1,5mm.

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