Cerithiopsis annae Cecalupo & Buzzurro, 2005
Tunisia, SW. Aegean…
Infralittoral (in Posidonia fields) down to circalittoral.
« Shell small, rather solid, lightly elongated, almost pupoid in appearance […]. The protoconch […] is smooth, obtuse, diaphanous, without subsutural striation, probably composed of 3-3,5 convex whorls separated by a thin and conspicuous suture. The teleoconch bears 8-9 whorls of spire. The adapical part is not very convex, and bears a series of three slightly inclined nodules (14-18 per whorl), very marked, so as to take on the whole a granulation so decisive as to highlight the structural aspect. The suture is incised and distinctly separates the whorls of the spire. The last whorl is also composed of three series of tubercles and ends at the base of the columella with a wavy circumbasal spiral fillet […]. The columella is smooth, without folds; callus and posterior sinus absent, short canal slightly hollowed out and slightly deviated. Aperture subquadrate […]; lip entire, without expansions and labial teeth. » – Cecalupo & Buzzurro: “Cerithiopsis annae: una nuova specie di Cerithiopsidae per le coste tunisine”, Bollettino Malacologico vol.40(12), p.132.

65m deep, Saronic Gulf, E. Greece. 3,7mm.

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