Cerithidium perparvulum (Watson, 1886)
Indian Ocean to W. Pacific, Red Sea, Bitter lakes and eastern Mediterranean. Grazer in the infralittoral, on soft bottoms. Planktotrophic.
Original taxon: Bittium perparvulum.
« Very small, obovate to broadly elongate, and conical, pointed, pale chestnut to white, reticulated, with a small conical tip, convex whorls, an impressed suture, a short rounded and slightly conical base, a small oval mouth.… » – R. B. Watson: “Report on the Scaphopoda and Gasteropoda collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the Years 1873-1876”, Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–76, Zoology part XLII, London 1886, p.554.
« …Longitudinals — there are on the last whorl about 14 rather feebly raised ribs, which are strongest at the suture and die out on the base; these do not appear on the firts two regular whorls. Spirals — there are on the last whorl about eight slightly tubercled threads, of which the third faintly angulates the periphery, and the last is near the pillar »Ibid. Columellar area usually brownish.

4m deep, at the foot of the citadel, south of the harbour, Methóni, Messinia, Peloponnese, SW. Greece. 3,8mm.

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