Cerithium renovatum Monterosato, 1884 |
At least the western and central Mediterranean. Shallow water to circa 20m deep, on rocky-stony bottoms. Grazer and detritus feeder. Synonym: payraudeaui. « Costantemente piccola forma senza varici, ornata di una serie mediana di piccoli pungoli bianchicci. Med. e Adr. » – T. A. di Monterosato: Nomenclatura generica e specifica di alcune conchiglie mediterranee, Palermo 1884, page 120. These white knobs are obsolete or lacking on the body whorl (Garilli & Galletti, 2006). Whorls angulate (Evangelisti & al.). 1m deep, under rock, Isola di Sant’Antioco, Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 17,5mm. |
The species is rather stocky, with angular whorls that bear, at their periphery, a spiral keel with about ten strong knobs. Above: pale specimen collected at 1m deep, on rocks, Baia di Chia, Domus de Maria, Cagliari. 20,5mm. |
Same spot. 19,3mm. Original picture provided by A. Nappo (IT). – (CC BY-NC-SA) – |
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