Buccinum humphreysianum Bennett, 1824 |
E. Greenland to Norway, to Morocco & W. Mediterranean. Lives on soft bottoms of the continental shelf and slope. Predator and scavenger. Synonyms: euthriaeforme, fusiforme, gracile, striatum, ventricosum… 200-300m deep, off Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 58mm. |
« Whorles eight, convex, finely and closely striated in a transverse direction; striae slightly waved, and crossed by very minute longitudinal lines. Bands on the lower whorle six, narrow, disposed in pairs, brown, irregularly spotted with white, gradually disappearing on the upper ones. Columella smooth, white; aperture horn-coloured; lip white, slightly thickened and reflected at the margin. Canal very short, with a slight tinge of violet behind it. » – E. T. Bennett: “Description of an hitherto unpublished species of Buccinum, recently discovered at Cork”, The zoological Journal vol. I, London 1824-1825, via BHL. Some variants: azonata, flammulata, lactea… Trawled at 300m deep, off Málaga. 58mm. |
« Inhabits the harbour of Cork.– Of this pretty and interesting addition to the list of British shells, only three specimens have yet been found, for one of which I am indebted to the kindness of my friend, Mr. John D. Humphreys of Cork, a very assiduous and intelligent Conchologist, by whom it was first pointed out as a distinct species. » – E. T. Bennett: op. cit. Form “monterosatoi”: uncommon peach specimen, quite slender, trawled at 400-500m deep, off Faro, Algarve, S. Portugal. 45mm. |
« The whole of the specimens were alive when brought to Mr. Humphreys, whose name I have commemorated in the specific appellation. They exhibit slight vestiges of an epidermis, which seems however to have been rubbed off by the fishermen, probably with the design of rendering the shell more attractive. » – E. T. Bennett: op. cit. Gerontic specimen, trawled at 100-150m deep, off Motril, Granada, Andalucia. 52,5mm. |
The variant “flammulata” choosen to illustrate the species in L. C. Kiener: Spécies général et iconographie… vol. IX, Buccinum ventricosum. « Shell ovate-conical, of a reddish white, marked with undulated brown spots with red edges; epidermis of a bright brown; very fine and very close transverse striae, crossed by very fine and slightly apparent longitudinal striae; spire elongated, pointed; eight convex whirls to the spire, traversed sometimes by slightly prominent longitudinal folds; aperture very effuse, dilated outwardly and widely emarginated at its base; right lip strongly arcuated. » |
Above and below: a dwarf specimen from 600m deep, Capo Teulada, Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 46mm. |
The apex. |
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