Bela taprurensis (Pallary, 1904)
Uncommon species, know from Tunisia and Libya. Possibly also from Aegean Sea: Nordsieck (1977) redescribed Pallary’s taprurensis with the use of a specimen from Kárpathos island, SE. Dodecanese. Predator in the infralittoral to, at least, the upper half of the circalittoral zone.
Original taxon: Ginnania taprurensis.
Beach drift, Kerkennah island. 6mm.
Left: specimen from Jerba island, Medenine, Tunisia. 5mm.
Right: variant ex forma “atticae” from Perdika, Aigina island, Saronic Gulf, SE. Greece. 8mm.
Original pictures provided by J. Trausel & F. Slieker, Natural History Museum Rotterdam – (CC BY-NC-SA).
2m deep, in grit, Sfax area, S. Tunisia. 6mm.

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