Alvania tenera (Philippi, 1844)
Canarias to Central Mediterranean.
Grazer and detritus feeder in the infralittoral.
Original taxon: Rissoa tenera.
« Shell minute, ovate-conical; whorls poorly convex, transversely belted; belts 3 on upper whorls, 9-10 on the ultimate; interspaces finely striated longitudinally; aperture ovate, simple.  » – R. A. Philippi: Enumeratio molluscorum Siciliae part II, Berlin 1844, p.128.

Above and below: shallow water grit, Levante Beach, Benidorm, Alicante, Comunitat Valenciana, S. Spain. 1,9mm.
The shell is close to that of A. carinata but more conical, with less numerous spiral cords; last whorl less globose, and smaller; the radial sculpture is thinner, giving the shell a less cancellate appearance. The pattern, made up of longitudinal stripes of a fawny colour, is also a feature that is never encountered in carinata, which has always a pure white shell.
Protoconch translucent and smooth. The radial striae appear from the very beginning of the teleoconch, and are more marked between the adapical spiral cords than elsewhere.
Same spot. 1,4-1,7mm.
33m deep, Punta de la Mona, La Herradura, Granada, Andalucia, S. Spain. 1,8mm. Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT) – (CC BY-NC-SA).

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