Alvania subsoluta (Aradas, 1847) |
Iceland & Norway to Canarias, Azores to Mediterranean. Continental shelf down to bathyal depths (200-2000m). Detritus feeder. Original taxon: Rissoa subsoluta. Synonym: elegantissima Seguenza. 500m deep, Alborán island. 2,3mm. |
Spire high; whorls 5, convex; deep suture; numerous narrow longitudinal costae, attenuated in the bottom of the last whorl; thin decurrent cords less protruding than the costae; colour whitish (Locard). Above: Rissoa subsoluta in H. C. Weinkauff: “Die Gattungen Rissoina und Rissoa”, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet Bd.1:Abt.22, Nürnberg 1885. |
Above and below: 1000m deep, Capo Teulada, SW. Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 2mm. |
The whorls more convex than those of testae, to which it is sometimes compared. The radials, usually orthocline, can be slightly opisthocline. Protoconch paucispiral. |
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