Alvania lanciae (Calcara, 1845)
Mediterranean. Grazer and detritus feeder in shallow water down to the upper shelf. Original taxon: Rissoa lanciae.
Synonyms: arguta, consociella.
« Testa parva oblongo-conoidea, acuta albo-flavidula; anfractibus 5 cancellatis suturis excavatis, costellis longitudinalis nodosis, transversim striata, apertura rotundata, labro simplici. — I wanted to embellish this new species of Rissoa with the name of the eminent signor marquis Federico Lancia, duchino of the Castello di Brolo. » – P. Calcara: Cenno sui molluschi viventi e fossili della Sicilia, Palermo 1845, p. 29.

The shell is more translucent than A. discors, with a sulcate inner lip, more knobby costae, more convex whorls. 8m deep, Taşucu, Silifke, Mersin Province, SE. Turkey. 2,9mm.
Specimens with a well marked sculpture.
La Franqui, Leucate, Occitania, S. France. 2,2-2,4mm.
Original pictures provided by S. Clanzig (FR).
White specimens also exist.
Shallow grit, El Forat (al Fourat), Paulilles, Port-Vendres, Eastern Pyrenees, S. France. 2,5mm.
A variant with a dark apex.
35m deep, Cristo del Circeo, Lazio, W. Italy. 2,5mm.
Dark apex and accentuated knobs.
40m deep, off Le Scole, south of the harbour, Isola del Giglio, Toscana, W. Italy. 3mm.
All white from the same spot. 2,8-3mm.
High-spired specimen. Like Alvania lineata Risso and Alvania dorbignyi (Audouin), both described in 1826, Alvania lanciae can display along the columella a brown apertural blotch, which is said to be typical of dorbignyi. – 3m deep, in a hollow among the wide Posidonia meadow of the Anse des Fossettes, at the root of the eastern peninsula, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, Alpes-Maritimes, SE. France. 3,7mm.
Intertidal grit, Buġibba, San Pawl il-Baħar, N. Malta. 2,8-3,1mm. At right: the form “arguta” Locard & Caziot, more slender, acuminate, with less convex whorls and a shallower suture.

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