Alvania electa (Monterosato, 1874)
Canarias to central Mediterranean.
On continental shelf and slope. Detritus feeder.
Original taxon: Rissoa electa (exquisite). Synonym: deliciosa.
500m deep, Alborán island. 2mm.
« It looks like a minute Nassa of the type N. limata (the canal less). […] In the genus, the species to which it is the closest is Aradas’s R. subsoluta. » – T. A. di Monterosato: “Recherches conchyliologiques effectuées au Cap Santo Vito, en Sicile”, Journal de Conchyliologie vol. XXII (s. III v. XIV), Paris 1874.
Rissoa deliciosa in J. G. jeffreys: “On the Mollusca procured during the ‘Lightning’ and ‘Porcupine’ expeditions 1868-70 (Part VII)”, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London for the year 1884, London 1884.
« Shell conic-oval, rather thick, semitransparent, and glossy. Sculpture: short, sharp, and somewhat curved longitudinal ribs or striae, of which there are from 16 to 20 on each of the three last whorls, the first and second whorls being smooth ; these ribs or striae do not extend below the periphery ; they are crossed by more numerous spiral striae or thread-like lines, the six lowermost being much stronger than the rest ; this intercrossing, however, does not impart to the surface a reticulated appearance, because the longitudinal ribs are much thicker and less numerous than the spiral striae. Colour milk-white. Spire short, bluntly pointed. Whorls 5, convex, gradually enlarging ; apex bulbous. Suture deep. Mouth more round than oval, angular above. Outer lip simple and rather thin, but strengthened outside by a thickened rib. Inner lip folded over the pillar and forming with the outer rib a continuous or complete peristome. Base compressed or slightly concave, and having a narrow chink behind the pillar-lip. » — Jeffreys gives the following depths: Bay of Biscay, Mediterranean: 120-1062 fms; Canaries: 1125 fms.

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