Like the Trimusculidae, the Siphonariidae can breathe air as well as water. Like the Trimusculidae, they possess a horseshoe-shaped muscle scar and their siphonal groove is also on the right side of the shell, but more centrally placed. The shells are small, limpet-shaped, but not translucent and whitish like the Trimusculidae; they are coloured. |
Siphonaria Sowerby I, 1823:Shell small to medium-sized, opaque; inside varnished; unlike the Trimusculidae, their radial costae are much stronger than any form of concentric sculpture. |
Williamia Monterosato, 1884:Dedicated to William Healey Dall. Shell small, thin, smooth with some commarginal growth marks; protoconch recurved; siphonal groove shallow, not visible from the outside. |