« Shell small- to medium-sized […], fusiform to broadly fusiform, subsutural ramp usually unclearly separated. Sculpture mostly strong, usually cancellate, subsutural fold lacking. Shell surface often microgranular. Apertural armature often well developed, in the form of pleats and denticles on both inner and outer lips; no true columellar pleats. Siphonal canal well expressed, moderately long. Anal sinus on subsutural ramp, deep, often (sub)tubular. Protoconch typically multispiral, up to six whorls, generally smooth with keeled last whorls; when paucispiral, protoconch usually smooth or spirally striated, sometimes with remaining carination in last portion. Operculum always absent. » – Bouchet, Kantor, Sysoev & Puillandre: “A new operational classification of the Conoidea (Gastropoda)”, Journal of Molluscan Studies vol.77(3), Oxford 2011, p.279. |
Lienardia Jousseaume, 1883:Shell small, ovate, with a marked subsutural ramp, with a constant sculpture of strong longitudinal costae crossed by minute spiral ribs; aperture narrow, with a thick outer lip and strong sinuses on both extremities, and more or less prominent teeth on the columella as well as on the labial side. |
Pleurotomoides Bronn, 1831:The genus is monospecific. Sculpture made up of opisthocline radial folds crossed by numerous spiral striae; labial sinus sutural; siphonal canal moderately long. Synonym Comarmondia Monterosato. |