Shells small to medium-sized, with both axial and spiral sculpture, more or less assertive, « with very angular apertures, and an attempt at the extremity of the columella towards the formation of a siphonal canal. » – Forbes & Hanley: British mollusca vol.3, London 1853, p.360. |
Bivetiella Wenz, 1943:Shell medium-sized, imperforate or with a very little umbilicus; whorls convex, suture marked; sutural ramp obsolete or absent; sculpture made up of axial costae and spiral threads, giving the surface a strongly cancellate appearance; labial varices possible; anterior siphonal canal short; columella straight, two-folded. |
Pseudobabylonella Brunetti, della Bella, Forli & Vecchi, 2009:« Shell small (H = 7-15mm) fusiform. Spire turreted or scalariforme. Protoconch with sculpture formed by the crossing of numerous thin spiral lines and dense filiform and flexible coasts. Teleoconch characterized by the sculpture formed by the crossing of ribs and more or less evident spiral cords. Last whorl ovoid with umbilical fissure and short siphonal canal. Columella straight without folds, or with the presence of two folds. Lip simple externally, and internally smooth. » – Brunetti, della Bella, Forli & Vecchi: “La famiglia Cancellariidae Forbes & Hanley, 1851 (Gastropoda) nel Plio-Pleistocene italiano”, Bollettino Malacologico vol.45(2), Milano 2009, p.65. |
Tribia Jousseaume, 1887:Close to Sveltia Jousseaume, but with a very marked subsutural groove instead of a ramp or shelf, an aperture more angular adapically, a straigh columella provided with three weak folds instead of two sharp ones in Sveltia. |