Lepidochitona caprearum (Scacchi, 1836)
Algarve to Mediterranean.
Grazer in the lower mediolittoral and in the upper infralittoral.
Original taxon: Chiton caprearum.
Above and below: young specimens from 1m deep, under stones, in the harbour, Isola Rossa, NW. Corsica. 10-10mm.
« Clypeis 8 tuberculatis virescentibus, fascia marginali squamoso-muricata, perbelle ciliata. […] Caprearum scopulos incolit. » – A. Scacchi: Catalogus Conchyliorum regni Neapolitani, Naples 1836.

Synonyms: corrugatus, decipiens, pseudorissoi
Green specimen of the Caprese chitone, « perbelle ciliatus »,
pictured by S. Gofas on WoRMS – (CC BY-NC-SA).
Chiton corrugatus from shallow water, Punta Prosciutto, Porto Cesareo, Lecce, Puglia, S. Italy. 13,5mm.
La Franqui, Leucate, Occitania, S. France. 16mm.
Original picture provided by S. Clanzig (FR).
Shallow water, on stones, Borj Jilij, northwest of airport, Jerba island, Tunisia. 9,9-10,3mm.

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