Shell small to medium-sized, « distinguished by having relatively broad girdle, smooth valves with well-developed insertion plates bearing many marginal slits on head and tail valves, respectively ( Hayward and Ryland, 2017 ). » – Youngheon & al.: “First Record of Callochiton foveolatus (Polyplacophora: Callochitonidae) from Korea”, Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity vol.34(1), Seoul 2018, p.64. |
Callochiton Gray, 1847:« The valves keeled, the hinder valve entire; the plates of insertion rather short, thick, of the terminal valves divided into many, and of the central valves into four bifid lobes. Margin with imbricate scales. » – J. E. Gray: “Additional observations on Chitones”, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London part XV, London 1847, p.126. |