Modiolus adriaticus Lamarck, 1819 |
Baltic to Canarias, Azores to Mediterranean & Black Sea. Stones and muddy gravels, lower intertidal, sublittoral. Original taxon: Modiola adriatica. One synonym is strangulata. There is a form named “ovalis” Sowerby II. Beachstormed, on sand, Catania, E. Sicily. 24mm. |
Dredged at 2-5m deep, off Deltebre, Mouth of Ebre, Tarragona, Catalunya, NE. Spain. 24mm. |
Modiolus adriaticus in G. J. Jeffreys: British Conchology vol. V, London 1859, via BHL. Jeffreys: « Shell oval, inclining to rhomboidal, bluntly pointed or rounded at the smaller end, and expanding outwards as in the last species, convex, extremely gibbous towards the beaks, thin and of a delicate texture, glossy Sculpture, fine but irregular lines of growth Colour yellowish, with usually rose-red rays on the posterior half, occasionally purple ; these rays or streaks resemble those of a tulip, and are very beautiful ; they are variously arranged, and sometimes broken or interrupted Epidermis thin, yellowish, and like a coat of varnish, sometimes a little exfoliated on the dorsal side and in front, and forming slight hairs, marked lengthwise by minute lines or scratches Margins thin, straight on the ventral side, angulated behind and rising into a shoulder or sharp keel towards which the posterior sides are compressed, semicircular in front. » |
Modiola ovalis in G. B. Sowerby: Illustrated index of British shells plate VII, London 1859, via BHL. Jeffreys: « Var. ovalis. Shell much larger and narrower, almost cylindrical, more solid ; ventral margin slightly incurved. Colour yellow, with dark-purple rays. Epidermis horncolour or brownish-yellow. » |
Calambrone, Pisa, Toscana, NW. Italy. 22-28mm. |
1: Dardanelles Channel, NW. Turkey. 30,2-34,5mm. 2: 6m deep, Salamina island, S. Attikí, E. Greece. 42,9mm. Original pictures provided by P. Ovalis (GR). – (CC BY-NC-SA) – |
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